What is the Best Gaming Supplement

Which Gaming Supplements Are Most Effective?


Effective Gaming Supplements That Work

Finding a gaming supplement that actually works and provides a notable, verifiable advantage to gaming can be difficult. This is because the sea of gaming supplements is largely packed with either ineffective products with no real improvement to gaming skills, or caffeine-based products that are unhealthy and also prone to encourage a hard crash. While caffeine is an effective way of boosting focus temporarily, there are much more effective ingredients which can be found in many of the best gaming supplements. In fact, the best gaming supplements are so effective that they are commonly found for sale at many of the top level professional gaming events and tournaments as a way to help the pros stay on full alert and achieve their best scores. So, which gaming supplements are the best? Which supplement formulas have proven to be the best at improving gaming performance? Several studies, surveys and reviews have revealed the most effective supplements for gaming, and the results are in!

What Are The Best Gaming Supplements

The following rankings are based upon a 316 person survey of the most popular gaming supplements on the market. Each survey participant was provided a list of questions and asked to rank the supplements on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being “the best possible experience, with extremely notable improvements to gaming skills, energy or performance” and 1 being “the worst possible experience, with no improvements to gaming skills, energy or performance.”

piratall (smart nootropic)#1 Piratall by Pirate Botanicals

Overall Ranking: 10 out of 10 stars

Piratall is a nootropics-style stimulant. It is natural, has a formula that focuses on safe, effective ingredients proven to work, and comes with 60 capsules in each bottle. Piratall has been around for a while and has recently released a perfected non-caffeinated formula that has been documented to increase gaming performance for many gamers, both professionals and amateurs alike. It has been seen for sale at many gaming events and tournaments and has been endorsed by a lot of professional gamers. The survey backs up its popularity, as it has been ranked the highest by the survey participants. Piratall has both short term and long term benefits and has helped so many gamers achieve their maximum potential.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Piratall.

Q: Did Piratall make you a better gamer?
A: 97 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Piratall made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Piratall give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 96 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Piratall gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Piratall last longer than 4 hours?
A: 93 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Piratall lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Piratall provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 96 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Piratall.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Piratall after the survey is complete?
A: 95 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Piratall again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Piratall.


mind-lab-pro#2 Universal Nootropic by Mind Lab Pro

Overall Ranking: 9 out of 10 stars

Universal Nootropic is a nootropic supplement that focuses on supplying a number of “brain food” ingredients that help improve focus, memory and attention span. Specifically it utilizes Citicoline and Phosphatidylersine. There are also a number of other nootropics included such as Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Bacopa monnieri, and Rhodiola. It is another gaming supplement that relies on a non-synthetic formula and avoids caffeine anhydrous. A lot of gamers liked the energy they get when they take it on a regular basis (probably has a lot to do with the B vitamins building up in the system). It has been ranked very high by nearly all gamers in the survey.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Universal Nootropics.

Q: Did Universal Nootropics make you a better gamer?
A: 95 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Universal Nootropics made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Universal Nootropics give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 92 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Universal Nootropics gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Universal Nootropics last longer than 4 hours?
A: 82 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Universal Nootropics lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Universal Nootropics provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 96 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Universal Nootropics.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Universal Nootropics after the survey is complete?
A: 93 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Universal Nootropics again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Universal Nootropics.


alpha-brain#3 Alpha Brain by Onnit

Overall Ranking: 9 out of 10 stars

Alpha Brain is a Huperzine and Bacopa nootropics supplement that has been able to improve cognitive function all around. It is no wonder that it is often used by gamers, as the formula promotes focus, memory and faster decision making time, which they call “processing time.” Most gamers have experienced significant improvements to their gaming performance on Alpha Brain. There are many reviews which explain Alpha Brain works better than coffee, or any caffeine product for that matter, and Alpha Brain itself does not contain any caffeine, making it a non-synthetic formula. Although Alpha Brain is used for many other things too, it has been found being used by many professional gamers.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Alpha Brain.

Q: Did Alpha Brain make you a better gamer?
A: 91 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Alpha Brain made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Alpha Brain give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 88 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Alpha Brain gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Alpha Brain last longer than 4 hours?
A: 85 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Alpha Brain lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Alpha Brain provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 95 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Alpha Brain.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Alpha Brain after the survey is complete?
A: 90 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Alpha Brain again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Alpha Brain.


qualia#4 Qualia by Neurohacker

Overall Ranking: 8 out of 10 stars

Qualia has had a lot of buzz for its overall neuroprotective values, and ability to increase cerebral blood flow. Gamers started picking it up as a daily regiment supplement, and have noticed drastic changes. It did indeed show an improvement to energy, focus and overall gaming performance for many gamers in the survey, and has been advocated by many gamers around the world. Qualia does rely on a shot of caffeine equivalent to a cup of coffee, and the caffeine is synthetic…which does contribute to a crash in some gamers, selectively (though not many).

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Qualia.

Q: Did Qualia make you a better gamer?
A: 87 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Qualia made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Qualia give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 75 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Qualia gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Qualia last longer than 4 hours?
A: 77 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Qualia lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Qualia provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 87 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Qualia.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Qualia after the survey is complete?
A: 91 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Qualia again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Qualia.


focusall#5 Focusall by Healthy Natural Solutions

Overall Ranking: 7 out of 10 stars

Focusall has a lot of ingredients, some of which are nootropics, but also some are synthetic. It is most notorious for its caffeine anhydrous, which can create more of a short term, red bull-like effect. That is ultimately helpful, but can come with a more significant crash than some of the caffeine-free or lesser-mg dosage (of caffeine) supplements. Still, Focusall seems to be a great go to substitute for energy drinks, and is especially good for a big boost of energy at the end of a long gaming shift. Because it can come with a crash and is generally good for less than 4 hours, it is typically used when a boost is needed most, rather than ahead of gaming or on a regular basis. That mentioned, Focusall did provide a boost to concentration and focus for a short time as well.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Focusall.

Q: Did Focusall make you a better gamer?
A: 76 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Focusall made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Focusall give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 90 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Focusall gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Focusall last longer than 4 hours?
A: 42 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Focusall lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Focusall provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 72 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Focusall.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Focusall after the survey is complete?
A: 84 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Focusall again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Focusall.


adrafinil#6 Adrafinil by Nootropics City

Overall Ranking: 6 out of 10 stars

Adrafinil is a synthetic (non-natural) nootropic which is meant to simulate the natural release of adrenaline. It does provide a boost of energy, but is much less significant than actual adrenaline. It has been used by gamers to increase concentration, focus and overall energy before and/or during an event. Many of the survey participants indicated it did make them a better gamer and had much better scores to prove it. Despite its lower rating in the survey,Adrafinil does have a significant following and many survey participants said they prefer Adrafinil to other supplements.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Adrafinil.

Q: Did Adrafinil make you a better gamer?
A: 77 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Adrafinil made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Adrafinil give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 78 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Adrafinil gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Adrafinil last longer than 4 hours?
A: 56 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Adrafinil lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Adrafinil provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 79 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Adrafinil.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Adrafinil after the survey is complete?
A: 73 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Adrafinil again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Adrafinil.


noowave#7 Noowave by Noowave Supplement Company

Overall Ranking: 6 out of 10 stars

Noowave “The Socialite” is a reproduction of a supplement meant to boost focus, energy, and mood. It is one of the only nootropics on the list to also have a mood-enhancing focus. There are many ingredients in Noowave’s supplement which make it great for gamers. Some of the stimulating ingredients which are useful to gamers include Rhodiola, Huperzine and Caffeine (although it is synthetic caffeine). And some of the other ingredients help improve cognitive function. Ultimately Noowave made less of an impact than the other supplements, although still being effective and one of the more popular supplements (in general, not specifically for gaming).

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Noowave.

Q: Did Noowave make you a better gamer?
A: 72 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Noowave made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Noowave give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 66 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Noowave gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Noowave last longer than 4 hours?
A: 41 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Noowave lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Noowave provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 89 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Noowave.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Noowave after the survey is complete?
A: 65 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Noowave again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Noowave.


fps-energy#8 FPS Energy by Neogenics Nutrition

Overall Ranking: 5 out of 10 stars

FPS Energy is one of the supplements marketed specifically for gaming. It helps a gamer improve memory, energy, focus, and mood. Being another product focusing on mood, it is also prone to being very selectively effective (everyone’s mood is different). This supplement uses only natural caffeine, like some of the higher ranked supplements on the list, but also contains many mood-altering ingredients. More than half of the survey participants saw significant improvement in their gaming performance, while the other half noticed little to no difference. FPS Energy is still much better than many other gaming supplements on the market.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to FPS Energy.

Q: Did FPS Energy make you a better gamer?
A: 64 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, FPS Energy made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did FPS Energy give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 79 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, FPS Energy gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of FPS Energy last longer than 4 hours?
A: 48 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, FPS Energy lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did FPS Energy provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 84 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on FPS Energy.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use FPS Energy after the survey is complete?
A: 62 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use FPS Energy again after the survey.”

Click here to check out FPS Energy.


nootrobox#9 Nootrobox by HVMN

Overall Ranking: 5 out of 10 stars

Nootrobox comes with different independent units. There are two energy and stamina-related pills called “Rise” and “Sprint” that are a part of the concoction. These two nootrobox products are typically used by gamers for endurance and gaming longer hours. Nootrobox was effective for most of the survey participants, although, it did not rank as high as the other supplements on the list. While Sprint is supposed to last more than 4 hours, it seems to only work that well for some gamers.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Nootrobox.

Q: Did Nootrobox make you a better gamer?
A: 61 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Nootrobox made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Nootrobox give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 58 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Nootrobox gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Nootrobox last longer than 4 hours?
A: 32 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Nootrobox lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Nootrobox provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 76 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Nootrobox.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Nootrobox after the survey is complete?
A: 51 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Nootrobox again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Nootrobox.


hum-uber-energy#10 Uber Energy by HUM Nutrition

Overall Ranking: 4 out of 10 stars

Uber Energy is not specifically for gaming, but has been used by some gamers in recent years for its ability to build up the body’s natural energy over time. It seems most effective when used as a part of a daily regiment. Primarily the Uber Energy formula relies upon vitamin Bs and adaptogen. It does also make use of L-tyrosine. There are 60 capsules per bottle. Although Uber Energy ranks last on the list of best gaming supplements, it is much better than most other gaming supplements on the market and better than nothing at all.

Below is a list of the respondent answers from the survey questionnaire in regards to Uber Energy.

Q: Did Uber Energy make you a better gamer?
A: 49 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Uber Energy made me a better gamer.”

Q: Did Uber Energy give you more energy and allow you to game longer hours?
A: 35 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Uber Energy gave me more energy and allowed me to game longer hours.”

Q: Did the effects of Uber Energy last longer than 4 hours?
A: 21 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, Uber Energy lasted longer than 4 hours.”

Q: Did Uber Energy provide any unwanted side effects (including crash, headache, nausea, stomach ache, etc.)?
A: 98 percent of survey participants responded “No unwanted side effects were experienced on Uber Energy.”

Q: Would you want to continue to use Uber Energy after the survey is complete?
A: 32 percent of survey participants responded “Yes, I would use Uber Energy again after the survey.”

Click here to check out Uber Energy.

Trial and Error

Despite there being very clear “better performers” when it comes to gaming supplements, all ingredients (and thus supplements as well) metabolize differently from person to person. For this reason, there is still, sometimes, admittedly a certain amount of trial and error required in finding the best gaming supplement for any particular gamer. Regardless of metabolizing differences from gamer to gamer, some supplements have still been proven to be more effective in most gamers; And even though differences in effects may exist it is almost certain to receive at least some improvements to gaming from all of the supplements on this list.