How Do Nootropics Affect Gaming Skills, Reflexes, Focus & Overall Score

best gaming nootropics stacks

What Nootropics Are The Best For Gamers?

Huperzine A

huperzine a gaming nootropics stacks Huperzine A comes from a Chinese club moss and is a carefully, highly purified substance. Huperzine A is typically regarded as a drug, because of its highly purified state. However, although it is a highly-effective neuro-enhancing stimulant, it still remains safe, legal and overall a productive herb. Huperzine A has been proven to improve memory, enhance learning, increase alertness and energy. Huperzine A has become extremely popular in gaming nootropics because of its ability to drastically improve a gamer’s reflexes, attention, overall score and other skills. Because Huperzine A is a nootropic, it is regarded as a safe drug when taken in appropriate doses.

Huperzine A Nootropic Benefits For Gamers

  • Increased Attention
  • Laser-Sharp Focus
  • Lightning-Fast Reflexes
  • Overall Score Improvements
  • Other Skill Improvements

How Does Huperzine A Work As A Nootropic?

Huperzine A provides an increase in the levels of acetylcholine in the body. Acetylcholine is a “partly responsible” chemical for improving communication between our bodies’ nervous system and the brain and muscles. This bolstered communication benefit provides gamers with the extra edge they need to stay on top.
Huperzine A is commonly combined with other nootropics to create a powerfully balanced regiment. In fact, many pro gaming nootropics stacks include Huperzine A as a vital part of the regiment’s success.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

lions mane gaming nootropics stacks Also known as Hericium Erinaceus, Lion’s Mane Mushroom is widely regarded as a medicinal mushroom growing in many regions around the world. However, it has an extensive history of use in Chinese medicine. Highly praised for its well-documented ability to increase Nerve Growth Factor levels in the brain. Lion’s Mane is popular in gaming nootropics stacks for its ability for it’s amazing cognitive enhancing effects. Gamers on Lion’s Mane think faster, react faster and click faster.

Hericium Erinaceus Benefits Gor Gamers (Lion’s Mane Mushroom benefits)

  • Increased Cognitive Ability
  • Faster Reflexes
  • Long-term & Short-term Memory Improvement
  • Improved Reasoning & Decision Making Abilities
  • Anti-hypertensive

How Does Lion’s Mane Mushroom Work As A Nootropic?

Lion’s Mane contains polysaccharides (B-glucan, heteroglucans, heteroxylans, and others) which provide incredible neuroregenerative effects. This nootropic is considered an antioxidant, and its high levels of B-glucan provide amazing neuro-protective activities in the brain.
Due to Hericium Erinaceus’ anti-hypertensive properties, it works very well with stimulating nootropics; and therefore is typically included in many pro gaming nootropics stacks to create a balanced formula.

Bacopa Monnieri

bacopa monnieri gaming nootropics stacks Although most popularly used in India, Bacopa Monnieri has been world renowned for its natural medicinal properties. Ayurveda (Indian medicine) traditionally used the Brahmi plant to produce Bacopa Monnieri to treat anxiety. However, it was later realized to improve memory, and increase focus. For this reason, it is considered a strong, natural substitute for ADD and ADHD drugs, such as Adderall.

Bacopa Monnieri Benefits For Gamers

  • Improved Focus
  • Increased Attention Span
  • Reduced Anxiety (promotes calming effects)

How Does Bacopa Monnieri Work As A Nootropic?

Bacopa Monnieri is said to increase essential chemicals the brain uses for thought, learning, memory-formation, and decision-making. These chemicals are also suggested to improve free-memory recall and other cognitive-enhancing effects.

Due to its extreme calming and anxiety-treating properties, Bacopa Monnieri allows gamers to focus and hone in on the match, producing higher scores. Combined with other nootropics, Bacopa Monnieri is a gaming nootropics stack essential!

Ginkgo Biloba

ginkgo biloba gaming nootropics stacks Ginkgo Biloba is also known as the Maidenhair tree and is native to China. Ginkgo Biloba is a critical part of traditional Chinese medicine. People typically underestimate Ginkgo Biloba; however, it has been an essential part of a balanced gamer’s nootropics stack. Ginkgo Biloba has been long believed to be able to enhance cognitive abilities and improve short-term memory.

Ginkgo Biloba Benefits For Gamers

  • Improve Short-term Memory
  • Enhance Cognitive Abilities

How Does Ginkgo Biloba Work As A Nootropic?

Ginkgo Biloba’s chemical constituents consist of Bilobalide, Ginkgotoxin, Polyprenol, and Amentoflavone. Half being antioxidants which scavenge the brain for damaging toxins and compounds, and remove them; the other half focus on improvements which benefit gamers during live gameplay.

Although Ginkgo Biloba may be one of the weaker nootropics in terms of “effects that can be immediately felt”, it is still an overall beneficial cognitive enhancer to include in any pro gaming nootropics stack.

Why Gamers Are Using Nootropics

improve gaming reflexes using nootropics stacks

Nootropics are providing the extra edge gamers need to be the best and score the highest. They are safe herbs, natural and organic. Typically they have hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years of proven, recorded medicinal uses. They can be combined with one another to create powerful nootropic stacks which provide gamers with a well-balanced, enhanced gaming experience; and ultimately nootropics provide gamers with the opportunity to maximize their gaming potential.

Click Here to check out the most recent case studies: Nootropics effects on Gaming

Tags: why do gamers use nootropics, how do nootropics help gamers, how are nootropics helping gamers, how do nootropics effect gaming, what nootropics improve gaming skills, how to improve gaming reflexes with nootropics, huperzine a gaming, gamers on huperzine a, gamers on nootropics, lions mane mushroom and gaming, lions mane and gaming, hericium erinaceus gaming, hericium erinacues gaming nootropic, bacopa monnieri gaming nootropic, bacopa monnieri and gaming nootropic stack, ginkgo biloba and gaming, gaming on ginkgo biloba